Important Notice CHURCH CLOSINGAt the Church Meeting held on 16 June 2019, the Church membership began formally to discuss the future of our Church. It was acknowledged and accepted that the congregation had grown older and that there were few members left (available) who could handle the running of the Church. This was in spite of the magnificent effort our minister Peter Flint had made over the years to attract new and younger members to the congregation. During the discussion, two points emerged: 1) that perhaps we could join with another church and 2) if that were not possible, there was a strong feeling that the Church Meeting would like the Church buildings to be used for community activities. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that we would keep the Church in our prayers and pray for God’s guidance. By the 12 January 2020 Church Meeting, it was accepted that the Church would have to close. The Teddies Playgroup had asked if they could continue to use the Church buildings until the end of July 2021. This would give them time to sort out their business. This was acceptable to the Church Meeting and the date of 30 June 2021 was proposed as a possible closing date for the Church (but not necessarily the Church buildings). At that same time, Peter asked for permission to pursue a Mission Project to see if the Church buildings could be used long term past that date. Permission was granted. March 2021 and since the situation vis a vis possible new young members or a connection with another church has not arisen, it is time for the Church Meeting to formally accept a resolution for the Speer Road United Reformed Church to officially close at the end of June 2021. At the appointed date, the Church buildings will become the sole responsibility of the Southern Synod of the United Reformed church. The Southern Synod is to deal with the buildings as they see fit in accordance with the trusts set out in Schedule 2 of the URC Act 1972. The Church Meeting can make suggestions about the future of the buildings but the final decision will rest with Southern Synod. In a similar manner, once all the Church bills have been paid, the remaining funds will be paid over to the Synod. Having said that, if the Church Meeting would like to donate some of those funds to local charities and churches before the handover that would be perfectly acceptable. Finally As you all know it is with great sadness that we are having to close the Church. It has been part of our lives for so many years - in my case over 40 - and it feels as if a part of me is being torn away. I know a lot of you have similar feelings. With the current pandemic situation, it is difficult to even contemplate a proper send off where we could all meet and both mourn our loss and thank God for the blessing of the time we've had together in our Church here in Thames Ditton. However, we will be having our Closure Service on Saturday 31 July at 3pm in the Church. Many old friends of the Church will be coming. I think that there will probably be 30-40 people there so we should be able to keep our distance as need be. I do look forward to seeing all who can come. Gill Ovington will be supplying us with a tea afterwards. to all who have said that they are attending to check that they have been doubly vaccinated and suggest that if they are not feeling well, they don't attend. I do hope that as many of you as feel they can will come. Peter has said that it will also be streamed. I will ask him to send out details of how to access it. God's blessing on all of us at this time. Linda
ContactsMinister Rev'd Peter Flint. Tel 07436 119626 email: plflint2@gmail.com Secretary : Mrs Linda Lambert Tel 020 8398 1476 email:lindanmlambert@aol.com Treasurer : Mrs Beth Odom Tel 020 8398 2945 email: eodom@btinternet.com Website : Mr Graham Ashton Tel 020 8398 6349 email: gjashton@aol.com Update: Christine Stuart: e mail: christinestuart70@gmail.com |